

Finding Nemo is Pixar's latest cinematic creation, produced under the same Disney contract that gave us Toy Story, A Bug's Life and Monsters, Inc. While I felt that the story bogged down a bit in the last act (and that the preceding denouement was a bit heavy handed), overall this was another excellent, well-researched, visually breathtaking film from Andrew Stanton, John Lasseter and company. My wife, this reviewer and several parents in the audience expressed concern that the movie was too frightening for small children, but I beg to differ -- it was exactly scary enough for the rating it received (at least, the rating it received in my part of the world). The film was rated G (General Admission) in Ontario, and not rated F (Family); while the difference is slight, it is important to note that only movies rated F are recommended for small children. Children I saw freaking out in the theatre were all too young for a G-rated flick (less than six years old). I can only assume that their parents mistook G for F. This site, which purports to offer a comprehensive guide to the various Canadian content classification systems, erroneously claims that Ontario doesn't even recognise the G rating, so it's no stretch to imagine that many parents don't know the difference between G and F. At any rate, Finding Nemo is very cute movie, but don't bring your preschoolers unless they have particularly strong constitutions and/or leak-proof diapers.

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